Date(s) - 10/18/2015
10:30 am - 3:00 pm
Meeting Place: McDonald's
Rally to Tuthill Town Spirits for tour & tasting followed by luncheon at Tuthill House.
Sunday, Oct. 18 – 10:30 AM – 3 PM
Join us for our annual fall drive from Dutchess County to Tuthill Town Spirits in Ulster County where we will tour the distillery, taste their products and then enjoy a country luncheon at Tuthill House.
Meeting place: 10:30 AM, Parking lot next to McDonald’s, Dutchess Mall, 450 Route 9, Fishkill, NY (just south of Route 9 & I-84 interchange).
Cost per person: $70 FCA members, $80 non-members
RSVP: Please send (registration form) & check payable to FCA/ESR to:
Mark Searle, 18 Hartstone Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
or by PayPal Payments to Please mention: “HV Fall Drive”
For information: or (845)471-6402