New Event: Shooting & Fly Casting

Cast & Blast at Orvis-Sandanona, Millbrook, NY




Sunday, June 29, 2014
3047 Sharon Turnpike, Millbrook, NY 12545
(85 miles north of mid-town Manhattan)

*A Meeting Site will be announced for those who want to drive up together…

Choice of (Select one):

  1. Fly casting/fishing lesson: $100 FCA members ($115 non-members)
  2. Shooting lesson: $140 FCA members ($155 non-members)
  3. 50 rounds of sporting clays: $175 FCA members ($190 non-members)

Lunch, gun rental, ammunition, fishing tackle, gratuities & taxes included

Please make checks payable to: FCA-ESR
Mail payment & Registration to: Mark Searle; 18 Hartstone Drive; Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (registrations due by June 9, 2014)

NOTE! This is a rain or shine event – please note the driveway & parking area are unpaved Check their 360 degree view here for a view of the facilities, driveway, and parking area.

But please also take a look at their website, , which has additional photos of the facilities. It should present a problem if the weather has been dry.

Questions:or (845)471-6402