June 8! Montreal F1 Grand Prix Viewing Party! Email Melissa Anderson at:_ for details.
Lots of Events Coming in 2014! 6/8 – Montreal F1 Grand Prix Viewing Party. We’re joining other car enthusiast clubs in NYC. It starts at 1:30 pm at Feile, 131 West 33rd Street, New York, NY. Email Melissa Anderson at for details. 6/11-6/15 – Ferrari Club of America National Meet in Leesburg, Virginia. Concours will be…
An Interview with Roland Veit – ESR Regional Director (Reprinted with permission from Prancing Horse Magazine) Friends and Ferraris might well be Roland Veit’s theme. In the late 1970s, a friend in his native Switzerland lent him a 308 GTB for a couple of weeks. Some friend! Roland said, “The GTB turned heads everywhere in…
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Watkins Glen, Corning NY and the Empire State Region made for a Spectacular Labor Day Event. Ninety seven cars with over 150 occupants and guests joined the festivities, some driving down from Canada while others from as far away as Virginia, the Carolinas and Florida. Team Pilota made the trip from New England and in…
An Interview with Roland Veit – ESR Regional Director (Reprinted with permission from Prancing Horse Magazine) Friends and Ferraris might well be Roland Veit’s theme. In the late 1970s, a friend in his native Switzerland lent him a 308 GTB for a couple of weeks. Some friend! Roland said, “The GTB turned heads everywhere in…